Psychology and Microbiology

The course “Phycology and Microbiology” is a core course in B.Sc. Botany under the Choice Based Credit System (CBSE).

The course “Phycology and Microbiology” is a core course in B.Sc. Botany under the Choice Based Credit System (CBSE). The course has been developed to provide the students basic knowledge about viruses, viroids, prions, bacteria and algae. The students will explore the living world which is not visible to naked eye. The course will include microbial nutrition, growth, metabolism and their relation with our day to day life. It will also help the students to acquire knowledge about the diversity, structure, reproduction, classification of microbes and algae and their influence on human life especially as producers and causal agents of communicable diseases. The students will learn about how molecular entities like viruses have been used or can be exploited in future in the production of vaccines and medicines, disease diagnosis and in research. They will also be educated about the evolution of life from prokaryotic to eukaryotic state and from unicellular state to multicellular state. The course will definitely motivate students to choose Botany as a Career Option and Algae and Microbiology as the fields for specialization.

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