Study of Prose and Poetic Forms in Urdu Literature

The course “A Course on Urdu Fiction” forms a part of Core and Some Discipline Centric and MIL Courses in B.A Urdu Hon’s and B.A Urdu under the Choice Based Credit System (CBSE).

The course “A Course on Urdu Fiction” forms a part of Core and Some Discipline Centric and MIL Courses in B.A Urdu Hon’s and B.A Urdu under the Choice Based Credit System (CBSE). The course is specially designed to supplement and enhance the understanding of students about different dimensions of Urdu Fiction. To make the students understand basic features of Fiction and difference between Novel and Short Story. To enable students to critically appreciate the fiction art pieces. Practical demonstration of critical analysis of some representative Novels and Short Stories of Urdu also forms a part of the course.

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